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Sara Provencio-Culver, President
Jill Sumner, Vice President
Reverend Matthew Scott, Secretary

Brian See, Treasurer


Sara Provencio-Culver, President
Sara is in charge of agency recruitment, assisting with meetings, and leads the fundraising events. She also assists with the day-to-day needs of the team.

Jill Sumner, Vice President

Jill is in charge of vendor recruitment, the event map, setting the schedule, running the website, assisting with meetings, and writing the copy for advertisements.  She also assists with the day-to-day needs of the team.  Her sister, Ashley Boehm, is the DJ for Warren Pride, AKA, DJ Sabine.

Reverend Matthew Scott, Secretary


Brian See, Treasurer


Jeffrey Eggleston, advertising
Missy Griffin, site crew
Dana Hansen-Walton, Pittsburgh performer liaison
Rachel O'Carroll, volunteer coordinator
Brianna Powers, food truck coordinator
Chad Schuler, Buffalo performer liaison
Jen Wise, vending team



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